
The Vulnerable Heart
Safety is more than just a physical state of wellbeing. We must consider what it means to be secure in our closest relationships. Most of us long for more intimacy in our lives, yet it is difficult to achieve with the people that matter most–our partners, family, and friends. Why is a connection of secure attachment such a hard state to maintain?

Equinox Activation
The Sun is our lamp by day and rules the solar time of year when we have more day than night. The Vernal Equinox is the balancing point when there is perfect balance before the Moon passes the torch and we are reborn from darkness to light.

Call to Freedom
Freedom is our natural state of being. We heed the call to begin a spiritual practice or embark upon a healing journey because we sense there is more to life than what we’ve known.

All Class Regroup
We get so many tools in each VortexHealing® class that students are often emailing to ask about specific protocol questions or how to approach session work.

A Healing for Our Animal Companions (Second Session)
Our animal companions are more than pets. They are members of our family and hold a special place in our hearts. Animals have their own unique personalities. They are sweet and innocent beings, authentically themselves, and their unconditional love brings so much joy to our lives.

A Healing for Our Animal Companions
Our animal companions are more than pets. They are members of our family and hold a special place in our hearts. Animals have their own unique personalities. They are sweet and innocent beings, authentically themselves, and their unconditional love brings so much joy to our lives.

Healing the Loss of Animal Companions
It's a special thing to love an animal. We adopt pets, and develop intimate relationships, never knowing how long we have with our furry companions. I was blessed to spend nearly 2 decades with my beloved familiar, Merlin Goldbloom, aka Pookie Bear. His loss devastated me but I had the support of my beautiful community.

Divine Magic Healing
In this healing, we will bring Divine Magic to focus on harmonizing masculine and feminine qualities as part of human nature.

Finding Presence: Courage to Live in the Present
The new year is bringing fresh challenges to our doorstep, and the present moment feels scary and difficult for many people. We wonder how we can show up for reality in all its complexity when there is such pain, suffering, and injustice in the world?

Winter Solstice
The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year when our big dream for the future stretches towards infinity and we plant seeds that will blossom in the Spring.

Holiday Party for North America
We warmly invite you to the 5th annual online VortexHealing® Holiday Party. Now a treasured tradition for wizards in the continental Americas, the Holiday Party is a joint collaboration between Gailynn and Lorraine to celebrate our beautiful student community.

The Phoenix Rising
The Phoenix is a healing energy that has been in development over the past several years. Until now, I have been using it privately and occasionally sharing it with close associates, but the Phoenix is wanting to spread her wings. The time feels right to offer the Phoenix magic in a group healing.

The Phoenix Rising
The Phoenix is a healing energy that has been in development over the past several years. Until now, I have been using it privately and occasionally sharing it with close associates, but the Phoenix is wanting to spread her wings. The time feels right to offer the Phoenix magic in a group healing.

Finding Presence: The Art of Healing
Presence is the great healer. Over the past several years, in the Finding Presence Series, I have developed an accessible and comprehensive framework for how to transform the most difficult issues to facilitate the healing we need. I call it: The Art of Healing.

Autumn Equinox Activation
Balance, harmony, justice, and peace are divine ideals humans strive to embody on Earth. We live in a world of ever fluctuating energies, but there are two days of the year when day and night, light and dark, are perfectly aligned: The Equinoxes.

Creating a Professional Practice 2 Regroup
The Creating a Professional Practice 2 (CPP2) Working Group is a beautiful community support space for entrepreneurs. Each session is 90 minutes and uniquely focused on a different topic relating to developing a professional energy healing practice.

Finding Presence: Inherited Family Beliefs
Our family forms the basis for our entire life experience. Our ancestral consciousness has a powerful imprint on our psyche because from the time we are born, we are immersed in the culture, customs, and behavior of our family. For nearly the first two decades of life, most of us don’t know any other way.

Prosperity and Abundance
Prosperity is a state of material being that we’re taught to aspire towards for the sake of being successful. In the spiritual community we begin to question wealth as a goal, while also recognizing that there is a flow and vibration to energy.

Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice is the longest day and shortest night when the Sun enters the sign of Cancer and the wheel of the year turns again. Summer Solstice is a time to make magic and manifest your highest and best with shared hearts.

Space Clearing
Did you know our physical space holds the astral history of everything that's ever happened within it? That’s why some places feel funky or heavy and others energetically light and open. The vibes hold the resonance of what's come before–be it good or bad.

Restoring Resilience
Resilience is the capacity to withstand pressure or recover quickly from difficulties. A dynamic system can adapt successfully to challenges that threaten its function, survival, or future.

Spring Awakening
We live in a world of fluctuating energies. Our body is a composite of elements and our daily experience is that of contrasting polarities. We are always toggling between light and dark, active and passive, and growth and loss. But there are 2 sacred days of the year when perfect balance is struck. On the equinoxes, we experience the miracle of harmony and something special is created.

Finding Presence in Your Relationship With Your Body
Our body is something we can't get away from. Whether we like it or not, our physical form is the instrument through which we experience life. It is the container for our spirit and the vehicle through which we engage with reality as we know it.

The Personal Experience of Divine Love
Love is the very essence of our being, but we are taught that love is something outside ourselves. We are encouraged to search for the person, place, or thing that will allow us to access it. And often approach love from a sense of lack or longing.

Shine On: Astrology Season
The final event in the Shine On Series is here! Help me and astrologer, Laura Campagna, celebrate a beautiful year of astrology inspired energy healing events with the grand finale that will help you close out eclipse season with an exploration of the mystery and magic of the Scorpio at the Sting Fling!

The Wounded Healer
The archetype of the wounded healer has reemerged in popular consciousness over the last several years and provides a framework for trauma as initiation and pain as the ultimate teacher.

Finding Presence in Aging
We’re all getting older, but why then do so few people feel at ease with this fact of life? While we might accept the inevitability of aging, many of us struggle with the reality of advancing in age.

Awakening from Pain: An Introduction to VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing
Many people seek out energy healing due to chronic conditions for which traditional medicine has no solutions. If discomfort becomes great enough, people become willing to explore avenues for healing they would have never have previously considered.

Finding Presence in Relationship
Relationships are the source of great joy in life, and often the contexts in which we experience the most pain. We exist on earth as individuals, but a fundamental part of our experience is being in relationship with other people.

A Healing for Our Animal Companions
Our animal companions give us so much love and affection. They bring sweetness and joy to our lives and open our hearts. Yet they too are karmic beings with their own journey. Let’s honor our animals, their beautiful soft bodies and sweet hearts, with a special energy healing session.

Energetic Support
This healing is a distance session to promote overall health and well being. Lorraine will be offering a 45 minute session using the highest level VortexHealing® tools to offer some extra support to the body and energy system.

Introduction to VortexHealing®
What is VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing? How does it work? What does it feel like? Will I be changed after one session?

Experiencing the Energetic Anatomy
There is a wondrous system of energetic centers and pathways in the human body that allows us to experience and express ourselves as creative beings.