The Finding Presence Series
A video series exploring the issues that keep us in a state of separation.
Unlocking the Magic: A Deep Dive into VortexHealing® with Lorraine Goldbloom in MysticMag
Spring: Time for Transformation from Edge Magazine
An Exploration of Shame, a Universal Human Issue originally published by the NY Open Center
Further Reading
Vortexhealing® Divine Energy Healing: A Magical Path of Healing and Awakening by Ric Weinman
The Awakening West by Lynn Marie Lumiere and Jon Lumiere-Wins
Miracle of Love: Stories about Neem Karoli Baba by Ram Dass
Collision With the Infinite by Suzanne Segal
The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine by Ted J. Kaptchuk, O.M.D.
Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra, M.D. (this is an introduction to the Doshas and Ayurvedic medicine)
The Touch of Healing: Energizing the Body, Mind, and Spirit With Jin Shin Jyutsu by Alice Burmeister with Tom Monte