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Autumn Equinox Activation

Autumn Equinox Activation 2024

Balance, harmony, justice, and peace are divine ideals humans strive to embody on Earth. We live in a world of ever fluctuating energies, but there are two days of the year when day and night, light and dark, are perfectly aligned: The Equinoxes.

The Equinoxes are balancing points. They demonstrate that it is possible to share equally and live in harmony with the cycles of change through aligning ourselves with the energy of the planets. Fall is the harvest season when we reflect on what we have sown this year, and give thanks for the bounty the earth has provided.

Join VortexHealing® teacher, Lorraine Goldbloom and astrologer, Laura Campagna, for a healing event to find balance and equanimity at the Autumn Equinox Activation on Monday, September 23, at 7PM ET.

The Sun’s ingress into the egalitarian air sign of Libra marks the start of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the beginning of the lunar time of year when the Sun begins to wane in the sky and there is less day and more night. For the next 6 months, we spend more time indoors as the nights grow longer and the days colder and shorter. This is a period of internal processing and gestating in private space.

Libra is represented by the scales and is orientated towards relationships. Known for being mediators, their special talent is to find a middle ground between dissimilar positions. At the start of Fall, we’re encouraged to consider where our life feels like it's well measured and where we’re out of alignment.

Libra season encourages us to seek balance in partnership and equity in our affairs. We’re asked to consider other people’s point of view and take just action to create a more harmonious whole.

Come align with center and find your fulcrum at the Autumn Equinox activation.

Air signs communicate ideals through the ideas they discuss with their community. Fair is fair and everyone deserves their turn to share.

Decision making can take time for Libras because they weigh all sides, letting things hang in the balance until they have located the sweet spot in the middle. Finding the fulcrum is an art form, but sometimes Libra’s preservation results in lack of action. There is a reputation for being indecisive, and they may go along to get along, capitulating to what others want to avoid conflict.

Boundaries can be a challenge for Libra. They can focus on others to a fault and easily fall into people pleasing. During EquiLIBRAtion we will contemplate how to connect while staying centered in self.

In astrological planetary days, Friday belongs to the goddess of love and beauty, Venus. The English word comes from her Norse counterpart, the fertility goddess Freya. Despite what patriarchal culture has popularized, the number 13 is sacred to the Moon because there are 13 lunations in a year. Come make merry on this magical moment, and celebrate the sign of the peacemakers at EquiLIBRAtion.

Autumn Equinox Activation
Sept 23, 2024
7:00 – 8:00pm

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