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The Personal Experience of Divine Love

The Personal Experience of Divine Love

Love is the very essence of our being, but we are taught that love is something outside ourselves. We are encouraged to search for the person, place, or thing that will allow us to access it. And often approach love from a sense of lack or longing.

Romantic love is the most popular and celebrated form of love, especially around Valentine’s Day, when we’re encouraged to imagine an ideal partner that will make us feel happy, secure, and fulfilled for all our days.

But the deepest kind of love doesn’t come from an external source. It's the kind that's with us all along–divine love.

Describing our experience of the Divine is difficult–whether we call it God, the One, Absolute, or Source–there is a sense of abstraction. Yet the experience we cultivate with Divinity is deeply personal and the love we come to know incredibly intimate.

Our connection with the Divine is foundational, for it dictates and shapes our relationship with the rest of the world and with life itself.

Join Lorraine Goldbloom for a special Valentine’s Day event on the personal experience of Divine Love on Tuesday, February 13th, from 7-8:30pm ET.

We will explore how abstract unconditional divine love becomes an experience of tender embrace. We’ll go to the place where the unfathomable Absolute reaches out to touch us in a most specific and familiar way in a profound act of love.

The evening will include a discussion, guided exploration, and a healing with the highest-level VortexHealing® tools that will open your heart in a uniquely powerful way. Come learn how VortexHealing® can awaken you to the very truth of your essential being.

This free online healing event on Divine Love is open to everyone, but you must register to attend. Latecomers may not be allowed admittance.

The Personal Experience of Divine Love
Tuesday, February 13th
7pm - 8:30pm ET

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