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The Wounded Healer

The Wounded Healer: Our Pain as a Gateway to Freedom

The archetype of the wounded healer has reemerged in popular consciousness over the last several years and provides a framework for trauma as initiation and pain as the ultimate teacher.

I invite you to join me for an event into this rich and complex archetype: Exploring the Wounded Healer on September 19th at 7PM ET.

Many of us who walk a spiritual path are drawn to do our own healing work from a place of pain. Eventually, once we develop a level of expertise, we may be called to offer our skills to our community. This position can bring up all sorts of issues around being well enough to provide healing to other people and the dilemma of never being “fixed.”

Exploring the Wounded Healer provides an opportunity to explore imposter syndrome, the challenge of committing to the spiritual path, and the difficulty of continuing to tend to our own process as it goes ever deeper.

It can be easy to romanticize the label, but the process of initiation into spiritual development is most often through a psychic shattering. The wound is a portal. The descent into pain leads to an encounter with the spirit realm where wisdom and insight are received. It may not be our choice, but without the ordeal, the liminal space can not be accessed. Our own suffering is the key that unlocks the gateway. The role of a healer is to be of service to the community. By providing a bridge to the spirit realm, healers facilitate a restoration of body, mind and soul for their communities.

This event will explore the identities of being a healer, whether we practice or not, and the parts of self that feel eternally wounded. The healing will bring love to the parts of us that feel too broken to ever be of service to anyone else, and where we are so identified with our pain that we can not release the position of victim.

Tuesday, September 19th, 2023
7pm - 8:30pm ET

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