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Call to Freedom

The Call to Freedom Series: Rebirth

Dear Friends,

VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing teachers Lorraine Goldbloom and Gailynn Carroll warmly invite you to a free, online healing event: The Call to Freedom series.

Freedom is our natural state of being. We heed the call to begin a spiritual practice or embark upon a healing journey because we sense there is more to life than what we’ve known. There’s more than this limited sense of Self with its individual pains and troubles. When we awaken from the illusion of separation, and recognize the Truth underlying the heart of creation, we experience a new freedom and joy beyond what we’ve ever known before.

The awakening process stirs things up in our system and consciousness. Spiritual seekers have many inexplicable experiences. Questions naturally arise as we are continually challenged by life in new ways. Even those who have been walking the path for many years continually stumble upon new pitfalls. We need a space to explore the personal and profound in an environment of openness and trust, which is why we have created The Call to Freedom series.

We invite you to join us for a free, monthly series that is open to everyone. You don’t have to be a VortexHealing® student to attend. We’ll focus on a different issue at each session, and the themes related to that facet of healing and awakening.

Each Call to Freedom meeting will begin with an overview of a topic, we’ll move into discussion, and then Lorraine and Gailynn will offer a group healing. You can drop in to just one, or attend all sessions. Each meeting is unique and offers a discrete, powerful healing opportunity.

These gatherings are free, and each session will last 90 minutes. We will meet one Sunday a month at 9AM PT / 12PM ET. This is a wonderful way to experience VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing directly and to learn about the magical transformation at the heart of this lineage.

The pandemic has prevented us from gathering in-person over the last several years, but we have found that it's possible to come together online across time and space for an effective experience of community healing.

We look forward to seeing you there in the magic of Merlin soon.


Lorraine and Gailynn


Sunday, April 20, 2025
9am PT / 12pm ET

Please be on time. People arriving late are not guaranteed admittance.

March 19

Equinox Activation