Sensing I - IV
Sensing I
1 Day | Prerequisite: Magical Structures
This class is designed to promote psychic and consciousness development and in a way that supports the evolution of the individual’s spiritual consciousness. For many psychics, the act of ‘seeing’ is divorced from their being and gets them more ‘in their head’. Here, the development is designed to integrate the seeing/sensing into the sense of being so that seeing pulls the perceiver into being and so that resting in being feeds the ability to see.
But this class is not just about psychic development but also about the evolution of ordinary consciousness. For instance, if someone is ‘out of body’, they will be pulled more into body. For someone who has difficulty with focus, the transmissions will help to focus them better. For someone who avoids their emotions, the transmissions will help to bridge them in. So, all the transmissions are working both to bridge consciousness into a deeper awareness and more ‘psychic’ perception, as well as to align perception in a way that facilitates spiritual growth and awakening.
This is one of the few classes where repeating the class deepens the transmission.
Sensing II
3 Days | Prerequisites: Omega & Sensing I
This class is mostly transmission. Merlin builds upon the foundation of perceptual restructuring that occurred in the Sensing class, deepening that in a major way. The transmissions are the most “cosmic” of all the Vortex transmissions. But the transmissions also directly impact the energy system, rewiring it to improve sensing ability, as well as making it more subtle, which also enhances sensing. The transmissions also deepen the navel hookup to the general field of life, which enables better psychic perception through that hookup as well as deepens the bridge for doing healings on others.
This is one of the few classes where repeating the class deepens the transmission, also deepening its effects on the energy system.
Sensing III
2 Days | Prerequisites: Sensing II; Core Veil & Awakening to Being Awareness
This class bridges the Sensing I & II transmissions deeper into the physical body, making them more active in consciousness.
Sensing IV
2 Days | Prerequisites: Sensing III; Original Veil & Universal AP
This is a deepening of Sensing III.