

10 Days | Prerequisites: Genetics; Omega; Core Veil & Awakening to Being Awareness

J‏ewel is like Omega in that you are using Merlin’s Jewel, given in Multi-Frequency class, to do your healings. With this class, you are able to use Merlin’s Jewel at a much deeper level. Working with Jewel is simple and comprehensive — you mostly just channel Jewel for anything you are working on, and it generates whatever is needed from Merlin’s Jewel to facilitate that. You use it to relax and center, to energize, to release, to do BodyMind Wakeup, even to do a much deeper form of genetics, and so on, greatly simplifying treatments.

Because of the awakening prerequisite for Jewel students, you can now awaken various aspects of issues– most critically, identities. You also can awaken them, as well as emotional conditioning for the issue, in the 5th & 6th dimensions. An extension of this ability is the ability to break down and create blueprints at those higher dimensional levels. You can now release conditioning in the karmic body about twice as fast as using Karmic Body Release, and you can release more subtle conditioning in the karmic body than was possible before as well. For the first time, you can also strengthen the body’s constitutional energy. (Chronic diseases often arise due to weak constitutional energy).

The InterDimensional Vortex transmission, which in the past was given as a separate class, is now integrated into the Jewel transmission, and runs deeper as a result. In addition to being able to “transform the energetic quality of body-systems” more deeply, you can now “transform the cellular consciousness of organs and body systems”. For instance, a genetic weakness may create a weak liver. One way to compensate for that weakness is by changing the cellular consciousness of the liver. Another key way to use this Jewel technique is to transform the cellular consciousness of the brain. This creates a kind of rewiring effect in the brain. In Jewel, another way of Reality Shifting is taught, Reality Shifting ‘from emptiness’. Almost all students can Reality Shift using this higher-level method.

One of the most unique special transmissions for this class is called “Vortex Therapy”. This bridges in a 10th dimensional being who literally does therapy for emotional issues with the recipient of the healing. The being ‘talks’ directly to the recipient’s consciousness, and the transformational effect of this helps and deeply complements the energetic and consciousness transformations created by channeling Jewel. This class now incorporates all of what was a separate Jewel II class, which permanently hooks students up to the Angelic Divine Web. With the vital web of our energy system being fed by a second Divine web, our energy system jumps up in its energy level and its level of power. And this added ‘juice’ in the system enables us to ‘rewire’ the transmissions for Jewel and the Vortex Wheel, giving them more power to work with, which enables them to run deeper and faster.

All Jewel-class students receive 4 special structures into their system that will promote health and longevity. One brings more Jing into the system, one brings in more Chi, one brings in more Kidney Essence Chi, and one harmonizes all these together. In addition:

  • ‏You can also start to clear conditioning in fascia and biochemical pathways

  • You can break down “mental body structures” which play an important role in holding the mental positioning of issues in place

  • You can make energetic potions

  • You can have Jewel emulate LifeForm, lovely for harmonizing and integration

  • You can start to work on the vibrational system, a key for allergies as well as relationships

  • You can work on the subtle organ system

  • You can release 6th dimensional hooks.

Finally, there is also some way, because of how deep Jewel is, that as you use it, the very using of it pulls you deeper into oneness.