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A Healing for Our Animals

Dear Friends,

Last year I offered a very special event that was close to my heart: A Healing for Our Animal Companions. It's no secret I’m a big cat lover. You’ve all seen the mug, and by now probably heard the kittens messing about on the Zoom. Focusing a healing event on animals companions felt like a wonderful way to spread the love.

Many of you participated with your furry family members and the result was a truly heart opening and healing experience. I’d like to make this an annual event, in honor of my own beloveds, past and present, so I invite you and your pets to join me once again. A Healing for Our Animal Companions on Tuesday, October 4th at 7PM ET.

This is a 60 minute free online event via Zoom. There is no cost to register and you can include up to three animals. You must be present and on camera to participate, and for your animal to receive the healing. It's even better if your animal is also on screen but that’s not always possible. If your animal is unlikely to sit for the camera, please include a photograph of your animal, along with their name, when you register. Sign up online here.

I will work to energize and support the health and well being of the animal, and use the highest level of VortexHealing® tools to bring a sense of peace and love to their system. This healing is open to any animal, and the human companion does not have to be a VortexHealing® student to participate.

I truly believe the unconditional love of my animal companions has made me a better person. I look forward to being with all of you animal lovers soon.

A Healing for Our Animals
Tuesday, October 4th
From 7-8PM ET
A free online healing event via Zoom

September 14

Finding Presence

January 31

Energetic Support During Crisis