About Awakening
Within spiritual communities, big words get tossed around all the time. 'Consciousness', 'Karma', 'Awakening.' Part of my job as a VortexHealing® facilitator is to help define some of these words, what they really mean.
I want to talk to you about what awakening really means.
When different people use that word, very often they're talking about different things. But in VortexHealing, we actually have a very specific definition for the word awakening, and it speaks to how the lineage works as a healing modality.
As a healing modality, we work with issues. We practice and demonstrate how VortexHealing® can help with physical issues, emotional issues, and psychological issues. We talk a lot about the energies and consciousness that go into the system to help release the conditioning that keeps us stuck in patterns. But the thing that really holds us on an issue level is how we identify with our issues, and how our issues create an experience of separation.
Coming from this beautiful idea that creation is all one -- surely you've heard that. That we are not ever disconnected from each other and from the world around us. This is a beautiful concept, but then why do we have this experience of being a person with pain? Why do we have this experience then, of being a person caught in drama and struggle? How can both be happening at the same time?
Both experiences happen at the same time because the nature of our issues is to create this experience of separation. To create an experience of being a separate someone.
Part of the healing process is not just to feel better and release conditioning as it shows up in the physical body, but to actually free ourselves from that experience of separation. As we let go of that story of who we believe we are, there's more space. There's more freedom. There's the freedom to experience the truth of what we are, which is an expression of the whole. An expression of the one.
In VortexHealing® we have a term called ‘core veil’. There are many different ways of talking about the core veil, but essentially the core veil is a kind of energetic consciousness structure that covers our experience of the truth of what we are. A veil is something that hides something else, it obscures our view. The core veil is a kind of consciousness structure that doesn't allow us to know our true nature. The key ingredient to the core veil, the thing that really makes it what it is, is this experience of separation. It is the key sense of 'I' -- 'I am', as we know it to be.
If I were to talk about all of my issues, and list them all, I would say, for example "I am lonely, I am depressed, I am sad". The thing that all of these issues have in common is the sense of I in the middle of it. As a healing modality, the VortexHealing® tools go after the sadness, the depression, the loneliness. But on an awakening level, when we begin to clear enough conditioning, we have the space to question the most fundamental experience of ourselves -- our experience of 'I', of being a seperate someone. When that comes into question, the core veil comes down. Not on a conceptual level, but on a heart level. That is the beginning of the awakening process.
In VortexHealing® we define awakening as the loss of the core veil, and that is the beginning of deeper awakenings, and then there is an embodiment of that process. How we really learn to live from that awake space. As long as we're in form, we'll have issues. We'll have conditioning. We'll have the habit of being a separate person, of being a separate 'I', and that all can be worked with. But once that core veil comes down, once that fundamental sense of 'I' goes, things are never the same. Our system becomes more fluid, and conditioning releases more easily. That 'I' becomes an anchor. It becomes a new beginning to see the truth of what you have always been. The fact of the matter is that awakening isn't something new that you get, or a place that you ascend to, it's the realization of what you have always been and what you will always be. It's very difficult to give language to that, but it's already there. It's already at the core of your being, it's just about clearing our issues to come back to presence in the moment, to realize that truth that lies in the heart of us all.