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VirgoFest, A New Beginning

There's a little Virgo in all of us. This September, let's celebrate that focused, busy, detail-oriented archetype in all her glory with a special healing event:

VirgoFest, A New Beginning
Tuesday, September 13, 7pm – 8:30pm

Note: of course, you do not need to be a Virgo to benefit from this healing. But it could be extra special if you happen to have planets or points in Mercury’s mutable earth sign.

Everyone has Virgo somewhere in their chart. It can be a place where we feel the most productive in our lives or where we most fear that we fall short. VirgoFest is an opportunity to offer love to this place in us wherever it's most needed.

Virgo is a private sign that can be guarded and self-critical. Often, its where we feel like we need to be perfect in order to be worthy of love. Our inner Virgo is the expression of our inner perfectionist and fixer. When this archetype is overactive in our lives, it leaves us depleted, exhausted from caring for other people and from keeping up the facade of being in charge.

What if Virgo could just relax? What if we could slip into the flow of life? How would that fearful place in us feel if we could just trust life a little bit more?

We can all get caught up in the anxiety that comes with these challenging times, especially as summer turns to fall—the unofficial return to the grind for so many of us. Fall is also Virgo's season to begin anew. Often her busiest time, she charges forward to tackle the world. Maybe before she—and the rest of us—do that, we can take a moment to take a breath, enjoy a sip of wine, and celebrate this new beginning.

Join Virgos Jessie Kanzer (Author of "Don't Just Sit There, DO NOTHING”) and VortexHealing® teacher Lorraine Goldbloom for an evening of Virgo’ish festivities.

In this event we will offer a discussion of the trappings of the anxiety we all fall into (Virgos and non-Virgos alike). And we’ll explore how we can let go of the binds of our own self-perfectionism to better open to the flow of life. Afterward, there will be a deep healing to address the issue of control and to help nurture our systems—so that it feels safe enough to relax into a new way of being!

We hope you can join us.

Tuesday, September 13th
7pm - 8:30pm
Price: $30

August 13

Five Borough VortexHealing® Picnic

September 14

Finding Presence